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Adel Diyaf, Zhiqun He, John I. B. Wilson, Ying Peng (3-2014)
Applied Physics Letters, 4(110).
KHALED SALEM EMHEMED ETAYEB, Bourass, E. M., Bashemam, W, Brochet, A. L, Wattier, R. (3-2014)
Bulletin of the “Mediterranean Waterbirds” network, 2(2), pp. 45-46.
Adel G A Diyaf, John Wilson, Robert R. Mather (1-2014)
IET Renewable Power Generation, .
A.H.A.Hassan (1-2014)
University of Warwick, .
Mohamed A. Elhosk, Taher Shaibi, Badereddin B. Annajar, A. Scalini, M. Maroli (1-2014)
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(8), pp. 411-417.
Najla M Abushaala, Taher Shaibi, Hassan M Howaege (1-2014)
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 20(1), pp. 33-45.