المستودع الرقمي لـكلية تقنية المعلومات

عرض بنوع المنشور

Khaled Mohamed khalifa Ben Hamed, Nahed Fathi M Farah, Mohamed Bashagha, Mohanned Binmiskeen (12-2020)
Third Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology (CEST-2020), 1(2020).
sciencedirect, , pp. 330-337.
Yousef Abuseta (7-2020)
International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(7), pp. 1111-0.
عبدالمنعم عمر احمد الاسود (1-2020)
International Science & Technology Journal, .
Mariam Abojela Msaad, Mohamed Fathi Almograbi , Anas Moftah Alshoukri (12-2019)
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Mariam Abojela Msaad, Almoatasem Aboaisha , Ahmed Eshoul (12-2019)
The 8 th International Conference on Control & Signal Processing (CSP-2019), .
Mahmud Mansour, Ahmed Hmeed (12-2019)
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), 13(6), pp. 275-294.