Computer Engineering Department

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About Computer Engineering Department

Facts about Computer Engineering Department

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Computer Engineering

During the undergraduate studies in the department, the student spends nearly eight semesters, receiving many lectures and practical experiences in compulsory and elective engineering courses, which culminates in preparation for the graduation project, which is a theoretical and practical study of a...

Master - Computer Engineering

To provide qualified researches with the capabilities and necessary knowledge to successfully contribute to multidisciplinary studies and practices in the fields involving computers, communications, control and electronics....


Who works at the Computer Engineering Department

Computer Engineering Department has more than 29 academic staff members

staff photo

Prof. Issmail Mohamed Ashour Ellabib

Issmail Ellabib is a faculty member in the Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering. Mr. Issmail Ellabib has been working at the University of Tripoli as a professor since 2018 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization. His teaching and research philosophy derives from his experiences as a graduate student and teaching assistant at the universities of Tripoli and Waterloo, and as a professor at the University of Tripoli as well. He has taught many subjects in the field of computer engineering at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.