Bachelor in English Language

University of Tripoli - Department of English Language



       The English language is an important language socially, politically and economically, as the English language is spoken around the world by nearly 1,500 million speakers, and it is also considered the best described language in the world. The Bachelor's degree program in English at the Faculty of Languages - University of Tripoli provides the foundation and the necessary educational experience for students who aspire to be able to use the English language effectively and to publish scientific research as well as to think critically and creatively.

       The program provides students with the linguistic and cognitive skills necessary to use the English language efficiently and creatively in different contexts. In addition to provide the students with the general skills of deductive and critical thinking, where the student is admitted to the BA. program in English after successfully completing the preliminary stage and obtaining a score of 65% in the English language test, as the student spends eight semesters (equal to four years) in studying courses designed to develop his skills in the English language during the first semesters, then he moves on to study advanced subjects in the English language major, in addition to compulsory general and supporting courses, and after completing the study and graduating after 4 years, the student gets (between 122 to 128) hours An accreditation that qualifies him to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Tripoli / Faculty of Languages.


This program aims to:

  • Preparing and qualifying specialists in the fields of the English language, developing their abilities and providing them with the skills that enable them to perform their work with high efficiency
  • Developing scientific research and adopting modern technology applications by conducting research and applied studies in the fields of English language and harnessing it to support development in Libya
  • Contribute with other academic institutions in teaching and developing English language.
  • Strengthening the relationship between the college and its graduates to continuously develop their capabilities in line with the latest developments in the findings of modern scientific research and to overcome the difficulties that they may face in their professional lives.
  • Strengthening cooperation with scientific institutions and national and international research centers and exchanging experiences with them


  • Demonstrate theoretical knowledge and competence in the use of practical methods in literature and linguistics.
  • Demonstrate the ability to read, communicate and write clearly in English.
  • Analyze critically literary genres within their historical, social, and intellectual contexts.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in English Language

Entry Reuirements

To study in the English language department, the following are required:

  • The student must pass the general English language course, provided that his average is not less than 70%.
  • The student must pass at least one other course in order to be accepted in the English Language Department
  • The general average in the three basic subjects must not be less than 65%.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in English Language prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in English Language. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 122 units, which include 2 units of general subjects, and 104 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AREN19100 Arabic Language 04 Compulsory +

EN19100 English Language 04 Compulsory +

SL19100 General French Language 02 Compulsory +

This course focuses on the basic principles of the French language, as it contains oral and written communication in various everyday situations. Therefore, the subjects related to the basics are given priority in this course and the students will get practical tools, useful structures and vocabulary that they use more independently in order to understand the French language And to be understood by people who speak this language, emphasis is also placed on preparing the student to engage in the French language department. It is hoped that this new organization of educational materials and objectives will serve the real educational transformation, which is represented in reorienting foreign language learning towards more effective educational methods.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AREN200 Arabic Language 2 02 General AREN19100 +

This course is concerned with teaching students the correct structure of Arabic sentences, developing students’ linguistic skills i.e. morphological, grammatical, written, text processing, clarifying sentences and sound linguistic structures according to the rules of the Arabic language, and preserving students’ tongues and pens from making mistakes.

SL101 02 General +

EN113 Grammar 2 04 Compulsory EN19100 +

This course contains a selection of some basic rules in the English language, which helps the student in the first semesters to form an initial idea in writing, understanding and conversation at the same time, and begins with the formation of the question, the negation, the active and the passive, and direct and indirect speech.

EN114 Comprehension 2 04 Compulsory EN19100 +

    This course is considered as an introduction to comprehension. Students will be guided through the strategies of reading the passages and the questions. It provides a number of lessons with different topics in order to enable students to comprehend, and fully understand written materials. The course will also cover different aspects of reading comprehension, language and style. The major goal of this course is to enable students to understand the trickiest type of questions and to be interactive readers. This course is actually depending on activating the background knowledge. It is important to understand the concepts for how written text works, including word identification, print concepts, word meaning, and how text is organized.

EN115 Composition 2 04 Compulsory EN19100 +

Composition 2 is a course designed to strengthen students' skills as writers. In this course students learn how to expand a paragraph into a short essay. Also focusing on specific features of the essay, including thesis statement, introductory and concluding paragraphs.

EN116 Conversation 2 02 Compulsory +

This course aims at making students able to communicate with speakers of English all over the world by exposing them to different topics, vocabularies and expressions.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN203 Grammar 3 04 Compulsory EN113 +

This semester aims to introduce the students of the third semester at English Language department, to new concepts in the science of English grammar, in which it focuses on describing the basic components of the sentence in addition to the different types of phrases such as adverbial, nominal, descriptive, verbal, and prepositional phrases. This semester also aims to introduce the student to the synthetic formation of the components of these phrases and the components of the sentence itself. It also refers here to the noun and its derivation, the verb and its conjugations, the adverb and its places, adjectives and their types and methods of formulation. It also discusses the concepts of types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and what distinguishes each of them separately. Finally, this semester deals with the grammatical rules that control the concepts of different phrases and how to control them.

SL200 02 General SL101 +

EN206 Conversation 3 02 Compulsory EN116 +

EN205 Composition 3 04 Compulsory EN115 +

This course provides students with skills necessary to proceed into a higher-level of an undergraduate academic discourse or professional writing. Composition 3extends students' rhetorical knowledge and develops critical reading, thinking, and writing strategies in multiple specialized areas of discourse - three-paragraph essay- beyond what they had experienced. In Composition 3,students gain experience of composing various types of essays, with the tools and the necessary confidence, which will lead to successful university students. They are taught to widen their rhetorical and writing skills by learning to construct, outline and analyze essays. Students will also learn effective editing and revising techniques. In addition, the students are exposed to specific writing strategies that aimto improve their mastery of their writing skill.

EN204 Comprehension 3 04 Compulsory EN114 +

A course of reading comprehension that depends on a course book. It includes a variety of lessons of vocabulary, grammar and reading. Additionally, it includes some other activities that help students to communicate and benefit from the course.

AREN300 Arabic Language 3 02 General AREN200 +

This course is concerned with developing the student's linguistic skills, including grammar, morphology, and spelling, and applying them to Quranic and poetic texts.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR201 Arabic Language 4 02 General +

Arabic language is one of the most important linguistic subjects because it is our tongue, and whoever is not fluent in its language has no language. Therefore, the Arabic language is considered the fourth level as a complement to the course of an integrated curriculum. This subject is concerned with developing the student’s linguistic skills, especially grammatical, through the application of some Quranic and poetic texts.

SL201 02 General SL200 +

EN216 Conversation 4 02 Compulsory EN206 +

Students have the chance to practice speaking English orally in a conversational setting in this course. It focuses on increasing vocabulary and fluency in English for usage in everyday scenarios. Learning a second language involves speaking a lot. All routine classroom activities will be carried out in English, with the participation of the students. Students will engage in oral debates, dialogues, presentations, and casual chat to achieve this. They will get the chance to practice creating and delivering speeches on themes of their choosing.

EN215 Composition 4 04 Compulsory EN205 +

This course introduces students to the world of writing. It provides them with a practical and effective approach to acquiring skills, strategies, and knowledge. This course deals with the structure of writing an essay of five paragraphs. Students learn how to write an essay sentence by sentence and how to make it coherent and coherent around one idea.

EN213 Grammar 4 04 Compulsory EN203 +

This course is an extension of the previous course (Grammar 3), as it deals with topics related to tenses, verbs, their types, sentence structures, nouns, defining articles, types of pronouns, and other topics that are dealt with by discussing several situations from various fields of life in a professional and academic manner and with correct grammar.

EN214 Comprehension 4 04 Compulsory EN204 +

This course is designed to further improve students’ comprehension and reading skills by introducing a variety of reading texts about different topics that catch students’ interest. Students will also master how to read for main ideas and remember facts and figures. The topics include a range of new vocabulary and exercises that help students practice their reading comprehension skill.Students will also be trained to use effective techniques to fully understand the texts and answer questions. Throughout the course, different listening exercises from the British Council will also be usedto improve students’ listening skill.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN207 Introduction to Literature 02 Compulsory EN315 +

This course aims at: Introducing the students to English literature, and giving them a general background about it.Enabling the students to analyze and appreciate literary works.Increasing critical thinking skills through close examination of literary works.Improving students' communication skills through active writing, listening, and discussing literary works together.

EN208 Phonetics 1 02 Compulsory EN213 +

This course aims to cover the theoretical and practical aspects of the English phonetics and the mechanism of the production of English sounds. In addition, it presents the anatomy of the vocal tract: names and places of the organs of speech and their role in speech production. In addition, the course aims to: introduce speech sounds as physical entities: production and classification of segmentenable students to understand how speech sounds are made and what types of movements and configurations of the vocal tract are used to produce sounds (place of articulation + manner of articulation)enable students to produce, identify, and describe in articulatory terms speech sounds in English.Introduce the IPA (The International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols of consonants, vowels and diphthongs) Introduce concepts of voicing and nasality which will enable students to distinguish between voiced/ voiceless and oral/nasal sounds, and to be aware of how they are produced.

EN209 1 Translation 02 General EN214 +

The aim of teaching this course is to enhance students’ knowledge of translation from English into Arabic, to learn about common translation methods and methods, and to discuss translation methods and methods of translation, and that is through translating many texts.

EN210 Theoretical Linguistics 1 02 Compulsory EN214 +

This course provides students with knowledge of the characteristics of language in general and the characteristics of spoken and written language in particular Knowing what is linguistics, what is a linguistic researcher, what is the nature of his work and his specialization, and also introduces them to the concepts of modern linguistics Language theories and basic linguistic branches such as phonetics, meanings, morphology and grammar, and other branches such as psychological, neurological, social and others, as well as showing them the differences between theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics.

ICIEN100 Islamic Culture 02 University requirement AREN400 +

The Islamic culture course is concerned with the spiritual aspect of the student, as it instills and deepens the correct concepts of the correct and moderate Islamic religion through defining it: by revelation - defining the Qur’an - etiquette of recitation - types of revelation - and revelations of the Qur’an, in addition to the Sunnah and its definition - and clarifying the types of Sunnah and their relationship to the Qur’an, with a focus on The concept of faith and Islam - the truth of faith - the pillars of faith and the increase and decrease of faith - the truth of Islam - the rules of Islam, the warning against extremism in religion - and the repulsiveness of extremism - and clarifying the types of exaggeration, then clarifying the aspect of worship and what it includes of purity and its provisions, pure and impure objects, ablution and washing And tayammum, and what is related to them in terms of rulings, and prayer and its rulings and its importance and the ruling of leaving it, then he mentioned aspects of the biography, which are represented in mentioning his lineage and examples of his biography and his morals.

EN316 02 Compulsory EN216 +

EN314 Varieties 1 02 Compulsory EN214 +

EN315 Creative Writing 1 02 Compulsory EN215 +

This course is a practical introduction to creative writing, offering a range of strategies to help the student develop them as a writer. It covers ways to begin and develop a sustained and reflective writing practice, including revision and editing. The course consists of a series of exercises designed to develop essential aspects of the creative writer's craft and a selection of connected readings in a range of approaches, styles and techniques. Through writing practice and reflection, the course explores contemporary developments in a range of genres, introducing students to issues, techniques and contexts of contemporary writing. The course aims to develop skills in creative writing practices, in critical reading and analysis and in research practices relevant to creative writers.

EN313 Grammatical Structure 1 02 Compulsory EN213 +

This course aims at introducing and initiating the students to SYNTAX part of English Grammar. The four modules of Grammar-1 to Grammar-4 taught through the first four semesters serve as prerequisites for this course. The students are therefore assumed to have acquired the required theoretical norms of grammar and morphological notions of word structure and ready for the linguistically based Syntax-approach to Grammar. The scope of this course is to introduce the students to structures larger than words. As sentences are not the result of putting a number of words together, students are taught to understand the different units in a sentence which could be considered as the building blocks of sentences. Phrase structures of Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase and Prepositional Phrase will be taught. Structures of clauses and sentences would be dealt with and the distinction between and the relationships of Form and Function in Grammatical Structures clarified.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN211 Applied Linguistics 1 02 Compulsory EN215 +

Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary subfield of linguistics that deals with all aspects of linguistic theory that can be put into practice to bridge the gap between linguistic theory and practical fields such as language teaching and learning, translation, language therapy, forensics, counseling, computing, etc. This course will start by introducing students with the definition of linguistics, what makes it scientific, and the fields that revolve around it. Afterwards, it will explore some dictionary definitions of the word “language”, along with definitions of famous scholar and linguists. In addition, it will familiarize students with universal characteristics of all human languages. Who are linguists and what are some of the questions that concern them is also a part of this course. Finally, students are presented with the major areas of applied linguistics, and what distinguishes a theoretical study from an applied one.

EN308 Phonetics 2 02 Compulsory EN208 +

In order for the language to be meaningful, it is necessary that it contain consonant letters - which were studied in the course Phonetics 1 - and soft letters that will be presented in this course with regard to their method of production, classification and description. In addition to that, there are other elements that have an important role in conveying the meaning, which are known as the suprasegmental features. It includes stress and intonation, and it will be exposed to it by definition and explaining its different types and functions.

EN309 Translation 2 02 General EN209 +

This course aims to make students able to translate various texts from the English language into Arabic and vice versa, where students get to know the definition of translation, how the texts were translated, translation problems and the translation of some grammatical structures. All of this is permeated by training and class activities.

EN416 02 Compulsory EN314 +

EN415 Creative Writing 2 02 Compulsory EN315 +

    This continuation course in creative writing in English deepens and focuses the student’s awareness of imaginative writing craft in a single genre. The course aims to produce a writing student who can balance practice and theory, creative and critical thinking, as well as the academic and the vocational. While developing the craft of writing, the student acquires numerous transferable skills useful in various professions where written communication and creative content are key.

EN414 Varieties of Language 2 02 Compulsory EN314 +

    Students will comprehend the meaning of stylistic analysis; students will deal with two different varieties of English and they will learn how to run a stylistic analysis.

EN413 Grammatical Structure 2 02 Compulsory EN313 +

This course is an introduction to syntactic analysis. It is intended for students who are encountering such as analysis for the first time. For students who will need to use syntax as a basic descriptive tool. The subject provides a framework for their analysis and practice in its use. This course begins by looking at the use of generalizations in describing sentence structure and the basis for word categories. It then moves through increasingly more complex constructions giving students plenty of opportunity by way of practical exercises to understand the basis of each analysis before moving further. The aim of the subject is on practical "hands on" analysis.

EN327 1 Literature 02 Compulsory EN207 +

The course aims to familiarize the students with some of the masterpieces of world fiction with the emphasis on elements of literature. The phrase ‘elements of literature’ refers to the constituent parts of a work of literature in whatever form it takes: poetry, prose, or drama. Students must understand these common elements if they are to competently read or write a piece of literature. Understanding the various elements is particularly useful when studying longer works. It enables students to examine specific aspects of the work in isolation before piecing these separate aspects back together to display an understanding of the work as a whole. Having a firm grasp on how the different elements work can also be very useful when comparing and contrasting two or more texts. Not only does understanding the various elements of literature help students to answer literature analysis questions in exam situations, but it also helps them develop a deeper appreciation of literature in general. The course also aims to initiate them to the different forms of narrative writing and to guide them to write essays on short fiction. Special attention will be given to the examination of the techniques of Fiction ( the short story and the novel) as a distinguished form of literature. Selected short stories will be studied in detail and students will be required to read, analyze, and write about some of the prescribed texts with the assistance of the instructors. Learning by reading the masters would be the best way for Libyan students on their journey of attaining command over the English language.

EN320 Theoretical Linguistics 2 02 Compulsory EN210 +

Theoretical linguistics covers two main aspects: morphology and syntax. In this course, these two aspects are taught with a detailed explanation accompanied by a number of examples that facilitate the student's understanding of all aspects of the course. Morphology is divided into four sections both have subsections and the syntax is divided into eight sections. Morphology is divided into morphemes, morphological description, problems in morphological description, and finally morphemes and allomorphs. As for syntax, it is divided into the deep and surface structures, the structural ambiguity,recursion, tree diagrams, phrase structural rules, lexical rules movement rules and complement phrase.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN410 Theoretical Linguistics 3 02 Compulsory EN320 +

This course is designed to introduce students to two important branches of linguistics which are semantics (the study of meaning) and pragmatics ( the study of meaning in context (speaker’s meaning). The course will cover a variety of topics includingsemantic features and roles, lexical semantics, sentential semantics, reference and referring expressions. The second part of the course will deal with pragmatics and will offer an introduction to the basic concepts of pragmatics including antecedents, anaphora, speech acts and conversational implicatures.

EN409 02 Compulsory EN309 +

The aim of this course is to enhance the students' knowledge of English Arabic and Arabic English translation, to analyze some common translation strategies and techniques through translating the included texts in the course, to discuss the basic methods of translation and to practice English Arabic translation by translating several English and Arabic texts.

EN427 Literature 2 02 Compulsory EN327 +

This course is an introduction to English poetry. It focuses on the analysis of major poems from different literary periods of English poetry. It introduces the students to the techniques of extracting the literary figures used in the poems, allowing them to make connections between the unembellished meaning and the embedded connotations of the poems.

EN408 02 Compulsory EN308 +

EN311 Applied Linguistics 2 02 Compulsory EN211 +

    This course aims to build and improve students’ capacity to construct linguistics properties in English. To achieve this students will be provided with theories, definitions and basic concepts in applied linguistics. Students will also understand upon completing this course child language acquisition and be given examples of the theories starting from first sounds up to the infant words.

EN325 Research Methods 02 Compulsory EN415 +

This course aims to prepare students to conduct various researches on several topics related to the language and how it is learned.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN411 Applied Linguistics 3 02 Compulsory EN311 +

The course aims at enabling the students to know language teaching methods, their principles, weakness and strength in practice.

EN418 02 Compulsory EN408 +

EN421 Contrastive Analysis 02 Compulsory EN311 +

This course is meant to provide students with the basic theoretical and practical knowledge pertaining to Contrastive Analysis. It aims to give in-depth knowledge about the basic concepts of contrastive analysis and how it relates to other linguistic disciplines. Students will explore and analyze similarities and differences between English and Arabic on various levels such as, phonological, lexical and grammatical level from a contrastive perspective. Students are expected to acquire the ability to understand the key tenets of contrastive Analysis, and the ability to utilize the acquired knowledge in developing and conducting individual contrastive analysis research projects.

EN425 02 Compulsory EN325 +