Bachelor in Sports Science (Training)

Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS} - Department of Training



The training department is one of the main pillars of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and it is the result of merging several departments of the previous structure of  the college and a practical translation, so the  college is looking forward to it in terms of the number of specialized technical cadres capable of applying the executive programs of physical education in schools, as well as sports sciences in  the numbers of school teams based on scientific foundations and with good levels, as well as the formation of these  teams to be a good nucleus for club teams and teams, and work on the development of physical activity in general in order for all members of society to reap the benefits of physical education in all its aspects, and all this falls within the main goal sought by the department, which is the numbers of effective cadres based on scientific foundations and with good levels that have a clear imprint on the general educational level as well as at the level of society as a whole, this makes us tighten on all hands that contribute to the development of physical activity based on scientific foundations Which its general goal is to contribute to the advancement of the health level of society as a whole, which contributes to the advancement and development of the country in general


The training department program aims to provide students with experiences, knowledge and information related to sports sciences and human movement, which includes full knowledge of the physiological, health, anatomical and psychological aspects of human being, the needs of physical development, learning and motor development, and other courses related to the sports field. As well as the possibility of teaching physical education at all levels of education and for all segments of society "Asia and people with special needs" as well as supervision and leadership of sports supervision in educational institutions and clubs and junior centers and training young people physically and skillfully to raise the level of their skill and physical fitness for university and individual games.


A graduate of the Training Department at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences obtains a bachelor's degree in physical education and sports sciences and is entitled to work in:

1.              Schools as a teacher or administrator.

2.              The Ministry of Education and its affiliated institutions and departments.

3.              The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its affiliated institutions and departments.

4.              The Ministry of Youth and Sports and its affiliated institutions and departments.

5.              The Ministry of Interior and its affiliated institutions and departments.

6.              The Ministry of Defense and its affiliated institutions and departments.

7.              The Ministry of Health and its affiliated departments and institutions.

In addition, the student with a bachelor's degree can complete postgraduate studies inside and outside Libya from recognized universities and colleges to obtain a master's degree and a doctorate degree

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor in Sport sciences

Entry Reuirements

1.              The student must have obtained a secondary certificate of either types "literary, scientific" or equivalent.

2.              The student must have passed the physical abilities exam, personal interview and health examination.

3.              He must have successfully passed the courses of the first and second semesters.

4.              To be medically fit.

5.              Determine the responsibility of the institution and the student in the event of a change in the admission and admission requirements.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Sports Science (Training) prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Sports Science (Training). The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 130 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BP221 Descriptive Anatomy 02 Compulsory +

It is a detailed macroscopic description (seen with the naked eye) of all parts, organs and systems of the human body, which is the goal pursued by studies and research conducted in all schools, universities and medical research centers, in pursuit of achieving the ultimate goal of a better life and optimal health for all humanity. It is a fixed subject with specific terminology and most likely uniform at the level of all universities of different languages, as it studies the human body, which has not changed since God Almighty created it.

EL010 (English Language (A 02 Compulsory +

The English language course EL010 focuses on the basic skills in the English language and providing the student with general knowledge of the foundations of the English language and improving students' use of the language in general and their ability to communicate in English, as it seeks to develop the skill of reading and comprehension, grammar and writing, the use of the English language in practical life, and the development of reading and writing skill through Curriculum provided and assignments. The educational material is presented in the form of lectures, curriculum, exercises and interactive activities that enhance the skill of listening and writing on various topics.

BC161 (A) Fundamental of Football 01 Compulsory +

The course includes an introduction to basic skills, methods of performance, teaching methods, common mistakes, and how to fix them, with a focus on technical methods of teaching skills in educational stages and familiarity with the law of the game. Football is one of the gymnastic games taught in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, in which the student studies how to teach and teach basic skills and the law of play, and then he can specialize to learn more in the planning aspect, plans, methods of play and technical analysis.

BC163 (A) fundamental of Volleyball 01 Compulsory +

Volleyball is a sports game that is played between two teams. Where the number of players in each team is six players, and the method of play is to pass the ball between the hands of the players and over a net located crosswise in the middle of the match field, and each team seeks to make the ball touch the playing area of ​​the opposing team, which in turn tries to prevent the ball from hitting the ground and diverting its direction towards the team’s area The other, where one of the players tackles the ball, pays it to the player of the other team, or passes it to his teammate, who shoots it over the net towards the opposing team, and it is required that this be done with three touches at most in each attack between the players of one team.

BC192 Hockey 01 Compulsory +

Hockey is one of the distinctive and unique sports that depends on the presence of two teams, a small disc, and a hockey stick, and it is one of the most useful sports for the body, very fun, and dates back thousands of years.

BC165 Entrance to the field and track (A) 01 Compulsory +

Teaching the field and track competitions course aims at the educational target through analyzing the course elements, which are: - The educational and training objectives that a curriculum must achieve in terms of the content of the course for its educational and educational objectives in its fields (cognitive - skillful - emotional) that the theoretical and applied content of the methods of teaching field and track competitions. - With educational means and technological means of communication that are used in teaching field and track competitions - Teaching methods and methods that help achieve the desired goals.

BT100 The foundations of physical education 01 Compulsory +

The study of the foundations of the history of physical education is the study of facts that relate to human life in a particular society during the succession of times. It studies material facts such as (antiquities - human actions) and studies psychological facts such as (emotions - ideas - motives) and through it the size and direction of progress in education is determined Physical education and sports.

BT101 (Physical exercise (A 01 Compulsory +

Physical exercises are a group of positions and physical movements that aim to shape and build the body and develop its various motor capabilities to reach the individual at a level that enables sports and functional performance in the various fields of life based on the educational and scientific foundations of the art of movement. Physical exercises are carefully chosen according to the psychological and social educational principles and foundations. Physiological and anatomical, when chosen, it must be done with the educational and social nature of the environment and society in which you live, taking into account the nature of the type of individual performing, male or female. It is also taken into account when testing the positions and movements that they are compatible with the physiological principles and the physical style of the individual. Its impact goes beyond the skillful, mental, psychological, and social aspects, as it is not physical exercises that concern the body without other areas of building the individual, but rather aims to develop and develop the individual in all its physical, psychological, and social aspects, in an integrated and balanced manner. Producers and employees, contribute to the portfolios It maintains the integrity of the figure, and the exercises are characterized by their non-hazardousness during their practice due to their distinction with the factor of security and safety and their distance from the side of the danger that characterizes the rest of the sports activities such as gymnastics, diving and competitive sports such as wrestling. The performance of the exercises does not require high abilities, as it can be practiced according to the level of physical fitness for the different age stages from the above. The vocabulary of the physical exercise subject for the student in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences must be inclusive of all aspects so that the college outputs are at the required level in this specialization. The following is a detailed explanation of the subject matter of Physical exercises for all classes.

BC171 (A) Self-defense of Fundamental 01 Compulsory +

The course provides students with introductory games for self-defense training and education, purposeful exercises to improve technical and skill performance, principles of training in self-defense games and selection of juniors, qualitative analysis of skills and movements using devices, discovery of training errors associated with performance, and the behavior of trainers and evaluating their performance. And identify the types of training plans, and plan a season Kindergarten and distribution of training load during the season, and the application of short-term training plans. In addition to providing the student with many physical qualities (boldness and courage, quick wit, intelligence and self-confidence, desire to excel in addition to developing courage and achieving a sense of self). The student learned how to apply the skills of judo and its technical divisions and the methods used when performing and learning it. As well as achieving physical benefit, mental education and motor skill of the student. The student also learned the methods of teaching basic positions and rules of arbitration in the sport of self-defense.

AL001 (Arabic (A 02 Compulsory +

The Arabic language is not only a means of communication and communication between people, but language is an identity that summarizes the nation's past and its cultural and sovereign heritage, and its strength is coupled with the strength of its children, and embodies its present. Therefore, this course aims to acquire some applied skills in the levels of the Arabic language: phonetic, phonetic, morphological, lexical semantic, as well as grammatical, spelling, rhetorical, and oral and written expression through the offered study units.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC184 fundamental of Handball 01 Compulsory +

BC188 Physical Fitness 01 Compulsory +

Physical fitness is one of the requirements of the current era, according to what the World Health Organization has indicated, especially in light of this technological development and the emergence of many diseases related to lack of movement, and this course is interested in shedding light on the concepts and elements of physical fitness associated with health with a focus on how to use its programs to maintain health with advice on how to practice its programs

BC186 fundamental of Basketball 01 Compulsory +

Basketball is one of the most prominent games on the sports arena and its inception dates back to 1891 and the multiplicity of physical and psychological benefits of playing basketball, as well as it is one of the games that have benefited greatly from the use of scientific methods to develop and progress as well as the tremendous development that has occurred in its various aspects of skill, world, planning, mental and psychological, and thus it has become one of the most exciting and enjoyable saliva for both players and viewers, and it is among the basic and compulsory courses taught in the faculties of physical education.

BT109 Introduction to Psychology 01 Compulsory +

General psychology represents the applied scientific study of behavior patterns and ways to modify it and mental functions such as remembering, perception, thinking, attention and analysis of psychological functions such as motives, trends, emotions and the different stages of growth that a person goes through, as general psychology focuses on understanding personality traits and identifying the factors affecting their formation, construction and development in an integrated framework.

BP226 Health Education 01 Compulsory +

Health education provides the undergraduate student with how to deal with the human being from all health aspects and in different environments, including educational institutions in all their educational stages, health conditions for students while going to school, how to deal with each other, avoid infectious diseases and diseases, during play, in the sports environment in sports stadiums, in gyms, during sports activity and exercises of all kinds, how to apply health conditions in stadiums and before performing sports activity, and the application and treatment environment Physiotherapy centers and departments in Libya and the application, education and training of students on the application of health conditions for those who frequent the centers and accommodation people

BP223 Physiology (A) 02 Compulsory +

Human physiology deals in particular with the physiological features of the human body at different levels of organization, that is, from the cell to the tissues to the various organs and organs at the level of the biological system, which is part of the general nature sciences and is interested in studying the vital functions of the body and how the various organs and organs of the body work and thus cares about the function of each cell, every tissue, each organ and each organ and how to organize and coordinate between them in order to maintain the natural balance in the internal environment of the body, so it is known as science. Which is concerned with studying how the various functions of an organism occur, such as the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory, muscular, nervous, and glandular systems. And other organs, that is, the description of the functions of organs in living organisms as well as the explanation and interpretation of these functions in the light of physical laws. It is also defined as the science that studies the mechanisms by which the functions of the body are carried out and how to organize them, the extent of functional correlation between each member of the body, and other organs, and the factors that affect the performance of the body's organs, and the extent to which the functional performance of the various organs of the body adapts to the variables to which the body is exposed, that is, it is important to study the living systems that are in constant change and change from moment to moment, and thus means studying the meaning of life. Through this course, students acquire all the information to describe the functions of the body, and expands the student's understanding of the information presented in descriptive anatomy BP221, which studies the description of body structures, so that he understands how these structures work in this course.

BP222 Functional Anatomy 02 Compulsory BP221 +

BC182 Mini Games 01 Compulsory +

Play is considered one of the most important manifestations of childhood behavior, and a means to achieve balance and integration in the personality of the individual and a way to acquire different experiences, as it is one of the most important means to exhaust excess energies, and small games of recent years are among the most important means through which physical attributes and technical skills can be developed For all different ages.

BC179 Fundamental of water sports (A) 01 Compulsory +

Water sports in a clearer and more general way is a group of activities that exploit the water environment during its practice and differ in the form of its performance, tools or place of practice. mental or social swimming is considered the important basis for practicing water sports, and it is one of the individual games that need to be mastered with a clear vision of the form of teaching and learning swimming using some technological applications on the learning outcomes of swimming methods, which required effort from those in charge of teaching and new tasks in light of the development represented in correcting the educational message according to a strategy The teacher has become a designer and programmer in addition to being a teacher, and the learner has a positive role in interacting with the elements of the educational situation

BC173 (A) fundamental of Gymnastics 01 Compulsory +

Gymnastics is one of the individual physical activities, where the individual participates alone and thus depends on his abilities to accomplish the skillful duty on gymnastics equipment (ground, parallel bars, hoop, hoop horse, jumping horse, bar) for men (floor, jumping horse, balance beam, different parallel height) girls. Acrobatic skills are the main component of ground gymnastics, and these skills are associated with the skills performed with strength, stability, flexibility, or standing on the hands, and the linking skill executed with an elaborate rhythm. The time for floor gymnastics ranges from 50 to 70 seconds, and the time is monitored by a timekeeper and the player actively uses the field area. Thus, the sentence is performed using the two diagonals and the side lines of the field area (ground movements boys - girls).

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC183 Tennes 01 Compulsory BC182 +

ALC002 Arabic (B) 02 Compulsory AL001 +

Language is the vessel of thought, the means of communication, and the tool of knowledge, as through it man expresses his contents, and through it people communicate with each other, so societies are built and nations are established. Arabic is one of the most ancient languages of the world in terms of history, civilization and structure. It carried the banner of Islam to the world when God Almighty honored it, so it was the language of the Noble Qur’an. Then it was the language of knowledge and knowledge for centuries. Knowledge is hardly sought without it, and knowledge is transmitted only through it, starting with religious sciences. It is the language of the Arab-Islamic civilization with all the sciences, arts and culture that it provided to humanity. In addition, it is one of the richest and most flexible languages in the world, and today Arabic is the strong bond of the Arab nation from the ocean to the Gulf.

BC162 Football 01 Compulsory BC161 +

BC164 Volleyball (B) 01 Compulsory BC163 +

Volleyball is a sports game that is played between two teams. Where the number of players in each team is six players, and the method of play is to pass the ball between the hands of the players and over a net located crosswise in the middle of the match field, and each team seeks to make the ball touch the playing area of ​​the opposing team, which in turn tries to prevent the ball from hitting the ground and diverting its direction towards the team’s area The other, where one of the players tackles the ball, pays it to the player of the other team, or passes it to his teammate, who shoots it over the net towards the opposing team, and it is required that this be done with three touches at most in each attack between the players of the team.

BC166 Track and field (B) 01 Compulsory BC165 +

The teaching of the field and track competitions course aims to target education through the analysis of the elements of the course, which are: - The educational and training objectives that must be achieved by the curriculum in terms of the content of the course for its educational and educational objectives in its fields (cognitive - skill - emotional) that Theoretical and applied content of methods of teaching field and track competitions. - Teaching aids and technological means of communication used in teaching track and field competitions - teaching methods and methods that help to achieve the desired objectives.

BTC102 Physical exercise C 01 Compulsory BT101 +

BTC117 Teaching methods 02 Compulsory BT100 +

Department Physical Education (Teaching) The program of the teaching methods course for students of the third (boys and girls) offers the study hours of the course (two hours) and the department related to the program (Training Department) and aims in this course to provide the student with the importance of teaching methods physical education and achieve the goals of education and prepare the student well and develop the student's personality and hold the responsibility and help the student in the preparation and preparation of physical education lessons

BTC127 Statistics in the sports field 02 Compulsory BC188 +

The importance of statistics in the field of physical education and Sport sciences lies in those statistics is concerned with collecting, displaying, analyzing, and then deciding on data, preferably in the field of physical education and Sport sciences, that these decisions are consistent with other sciences such as sports training, biomechanics, sports psychology, and other sciences. It is the science that examines the collection, organization, presentation, analysis, extrapolation of results, and decision-making based on them. Statistics is used in the field of physical education and Sports sciences in data processing, including: - The physical aspect such as tests or measurements that determine the level of physical fitness of the individual such as speed, strength, flexibility, and agility, and the skill aspect such as performance evaluation tests such as the form of performance in the long jump or the form of performance in throwing the ball in basketball or the front roll in gymnastics, and the tactical aspect such as The form of behavior towards the opponent and the types of plans followed in play, such as the formation of (4-4-2) to implement plans in the game of football or plans of bilateral or triple blocking in the game of volleyball. The morphological aspect, such as the measurements of a player's body, became in the form of patterns such as the muscular pattern, and the weak pattern, As well as anthropometric such as physical measurements such as height, weight, chest circumference, or muscle thickness. The psychological aspect, such as practice tests or in the form of questionnaires forms that measure the psychological state of the player, such as attention, perception, or psychological stress of the game, and the biomechanical aspect, such as tests or measurements of the movement of body parts under anatomical conditions such as levers, moments, angles, the amount of contraction and relaxation in muscles, and the concepts of dynamics and statics. Physiological such as tests and measurements specific to the body, such as hemoglobin in the blood, heart rate, or vital capacity of the lungs. Other aspects can be self-contained or be within one of the aforementioned aspects, such as growth (growth or development of physical traits).

BC174 (B) Gymnastics 01 Compulsory BC173 +

Gymnastics is one of the individual physical activities, where the individual participates alone and thus depends on his abilities to accomplish the skillful duty on gymnastics equipment (ground, parallel bars, hoop, hoop horse, jumping horse, bar for men (ground, jumping horse, balance beam, parallelepiped of different heights) As the nature of the work on the devices differs from one device to another, however, the maximum speed and superior performance is associated with the jumping horse and the pommel horse with a special nature in which the muscular ability of the muscles of the legs and the muscular strength of the limbs in particular and the trunk, in addition to a high degree of neuromuscular compatibility, distinguishes the performance clearly. Technical jumps with high speed and strength (boys-girls jumping horse, boys' pommel horse).

BC189 Sport Training (A) 02 Compulsory BC188 +

With the great development of the sports sector in all its activities and diversity at the local and global levels, it was necessary to conduct an academic study that studies and analyzes of the specialization of sports training. The sports training course is concerned with teaching the sciences related to sports movement, which qualifies to work in the field of sports training and other different fields. Including physical fitness, training techniques, theories and methods of sports training.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC172 Self Defance (B) 01 Compulsory BC171 +

The course provides students with introductory training to teach self-defense skill, special training to improve technical performance, basic training principles in self-defense games, as well as advanced training in technical and skill performance to discover juniors and quantitative and qualitative analysis of skills and movements using special devices for the target type of sport, and identifying the types of training plans and planning for a sports season or a sports tournament and gradually distributing training loads during the scheduled season and applying appropriate training plans for each skill in addition to the student acquiring many physical characteristics such as enhancing physical fitness, reaction speed, self-confidence, excellence and Achieving a sense of self and teaching students how to apply karate skills in both parts, kata and kumite ,and achieving physical and mental benefit for students, as well as students learning methods of advanced skills in the game and modern rules in arbitration for the game

BC180 Water Sport (B) 01 Compulsory BC179 +

ELC011 English Language B 02 Compulsory EL010 +

BC185 Handball (B) 01 Compulsory BC184 +

BC187 Basketball (B) 01 Compulsory BC186 +

Basketball is one of the most prominent games in the sports arena, and its origins date back to 1891. There are many physical and psychological benefits of playing basketball, as well as it is one of the games that benefited greatly from the use of scientific methods for its development and progress, as well as the tremendous development that occurred in its various technical, physical, tactical, mental and psychological aspects. It has become one of the most exciting and enjoyable games for both players and spectators, and it is among the basic and compulsory courses taught in the faculties of physical education.

BPC224 (Physiology (B 02 Compulsory BP223 +

Physiology is one of the important subjects for study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences because of its link to the human body and the changes that occur to the body during the practice of any sports or physical activity. It is very necessary to know what happens during exercise to the human body and what are the changes associated with any activity in my blood Due to the tremendous scientific progress in the field of physical education and sports sciences in the world, the need for the course of this important science, which is concerned with the changes associated with sports activity. There have been many researches and studies in this science, which have shown that the science of sports physiology is a vital science and is associated with several sciences, so it must be studied, understood and paid attention to it ever. This science is also considered one of the important courses in the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, because it is related to the rest of the sciences associated with it, such as traumatology, anatomy, biomechanics and biochemistry. The course works to provide the student with basic knowledge and concepts about the physiology of sports in the sports field in terms of: its concept - importance - physiological and health effects and providing the student with the skill of tests and measurement and knowledge of laboratory devices and tools as well as dealing with the work of these laboratory tests within the laboratories and how to work those physiological tests. Also, qualifying the student to know the work of the muscles and organs of the body correctly and to know the impact of sports activity on those muscles and vital organs of the human body, as well as to overcome the obstacles facing the athlete in his daily life.

BC167 Track and Field (C) 01 Compulsory BC165 BC166 +

BC198 Organization and management (A) 02 Compulsory BC189 +

Management science is the backbone of life and a way of life for humans, and thus reflected in all aspects and the study of sports organization is of great importance to all workers in the sports field with its components, clubs, federations, the Olympic Committee and the ministry.

BTC110 Sport Psychology 02 Compulsory BT109 +

Sports psychology is concerned with the study of psychological factors and the application of psychological information and theories in the field of sports activity with its multiple and different attempts by using the psychological research method in studying any problem or phenomenon. Sports psychology also aims to understand the psychological factors necessary for efficient sports performance by studying the effect of the phenomena of suggestion, attention, perception, the effect of aura, perseverance, training, and sensorimotor skills on the player and the team.

BC195 Kinesiology 02 Compulsory BP221 +

Kinesiology is the basic science from which the mathematical sciences branch. Kinesiology researches sports movements and basic movements, as well as the social and historical aspects of the development of sports movements, and is also concerned with technology and its characteristics, and its relationship to both anatomy and physiology. It provides the student with the necessary understanding of the foundations of motor disease, studying the importance of kinesiology and its role in the development of motor performance, including the mechanical properties of the fulcrum and movement apparatus (bones, joints and muscles), and the practical analysis of human movements based on knowledge derived from other sciences such as mechanics, physiology and anatomy. The course deals with the construction of motion, the weight and dynamics of motion. The course explains some basic concepts of motion such as Newton's laws of motion and levers and their applications in the mathematical field.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS020 (Computer (A 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the use of computers easily and to introduce him to the computer system, its components and how it works. The student was introduced to the importance of using information technology and how to obtain information and knowledge. So that it increases its scientific productivity through the optimal use of computer technology applications successfully, the most important of which is the Microsoft package, e-mail, and networks

BTC103 Physical exercise C 01 Compulsory BTC102 +

BC201 Field Practicing (A) 03 Compulsory +

The student will study one of the courses. This course is considered an extension of the courses (BC202-BC204-203), in which he works on the principles, outputs, foundations of exercises and their types in terms of their impact and use, and deals with how to teach exercises and the steps of development in performance, as well as the correct method of appeals and rules of writing and its application in physical education lessons at different stages With training on the correct performance methods of the various exercises to be used in the school.

BPC240 Posture and therapeutic exercise 02 Compulsory BP222 +

BTC114 Sport Sociology 02 Compulsory BT109 +

BTC129 Scientific Research 02 Compulsory BTC127 +

BC190 (Sports Training (B 02 Compulsory BC189 +

Sports training theories are one of the basic sciences in the sports field, especially in various sports activities, and have enjoyed great progress in recent years because they are associated with many sciences such as medical, educational, social and movement sciences in their various branches, and thus these foundations and theories have become as an independent subject in their own right, taught in institutes and colleges of physical education, and The term sports training is given to every organized learning whose goal is the rapid progress of both physical and mental terms or increase motor and technical learning (skill) for humans.

BC205 Specialization (A) 02 Compulsory +

This course is considered an extension of the courses (BC206-207-208) that works to achieve the same objectives, as it completes the student's information about one of the choices, in which he works on the principles and scientific outputs and means of their development, providing him with the necessary information and practicing the most important skills.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC196 Biomechanics 02 Compulsory BC195 +

Biomechanics is the sport science field that applies the laws of mechanics and physics to human performance, in order to gain a greater understanding of performance in athletic events through modeling, simulation and measurement. It is also necessary to have a good understanding of the application of physics to sport, as physical principles such as motion, resistance, momentum and friction play a part in most sporting events. Biomechanics is a diverse interdisciplinary field, with branches in Zoology, Botany, Physical Anthropology, Orthopedics, Bioengineering and Human Performance. The general role of biomechanics is to understand the mechanical cause-effect relationships that determine the motions of living organisms. In relation to sport, biomechanics contributes to the description, explanation, and prediction of the mechanical aspects of human exercise, sport and play. Biomechanics (Kinesiology as it is sometimes known) is the study of the laws of physics as applied to physical activity, exercise and sport. Biomechanics can be used to explain how muscles, bones and joints react under certain conditions and to improve performance using motion analysis techniques. Through scientific analysis of sporting technique, a sports biomechanist can provide valuable guidance to athletes to improve their skills and ultimately performance. Qualifications in the field of biomechanics are a combination of both mechanics and anatomy. You may either approach it though studies in engineering with additional education in the biological sciences, or from a background in anatomy or human movement, with additional education in physics and engineering. Either way, working as a biomechanical engineer requires at least a master’s degree at university. Biomechanist are typically employed in research settings and clinical sites, sporting institutes or a university as a lecturer or researcher.

IEC49 The Islamic Education 01 University requirement +

The Islamic religion regulates the affairs of all Muslims and runs their lives to the fullest, and when the student receives this information from an experienced teacher, it is rooted in his mind, especially in the first primary grades of study, so the state must give the Islamic education teacher a lot of attention and follow-up and give him different and varied courses that increase his religious culture and methods Teaching to communicate information to students properly. Methods used in teaching Islamic education The methods of teaching Islamic education differ from one teacher to another and from one grade to another, and the first step is that the teacher must take a general idea of the level of information that students have about Islamic education to know from which point he should start. Using the method of stories and tales that talk about the conquests of Muslims, and how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) endured a lot of harm in order to spread the Islamic call, to instill his love in the hearts of students and the love of the Companions, may God be pleased with them. Using the question-and-answer method, so that the teacher asks a set of questions and each student answers them, and then the teacher corrects the wrong information, and for more accuracy, the teacher can allow them to read the lesson material. Using the method of paper and oral exams, which in the end show the excellence of some students, and offers them various prizes and gifts. Using the repetition method, this will anchor the information in the student's mind. Using the practical application method for some lessons such as ablution, prayer, Hajj, Umrah and others.

BC109 (C) The psychology of training and competitions 02 Compulsory BTC110 +

BC191 Selection in the field of sports 02 Compulsory BC190 +

The selection decision in the sports field is of importance in order to reveal the best elements and talents in the sports field and bring them to the highest levels of the championship, as access is not only related to the training process, but is related to all the different programs to reach and know the capabilities and talent, direct them and take care of them in order to achieve the general goals and help To develop talents and satisfy themselves and their needs in order to benefit from the effort and time. This course is also played according to the requirements of each sports game and according to the physical, fat and physical capabilities. The foundations of this course are also based on the scientific foundations of the selection process, knowledge of the dynamics of selection, the scientific determinants of selection, and the scientific addition of selection with the phenomenon of differences. Individuality, and this course is considered one of the important and basic sciences, especially the various sports activities that require knowledge of the basic movements of the pre-school age groups, as well as the types of multiple sports movements in each group or individual game, whether intellectual, fat or physical games, which requires knowledge of the scientific foundations of selection. The concepts of selection in the mathematical field have achieved significant and remarkable progress due to their association with many factors Blame the other and related health, medical, educational or psychomotor sciences as an independent subject in itself that serves all theoretical and practical courses that are taught in the departments and faculties of physical education, movement sciences, rehabilitation and movement therapy, as it aims to advance from the mental and health aspects that serve all scientific courses.

BTC128 Tests and Measurement 02 Compulsory BTC127 +

BC193 Nutrition (A) 02 Compulsory BC189 +

With the great development of the sports sector in all its activities and diversity at the local and global levels, it was necessary to conduct an academic study that studies and analyzes of the specialization of sports training. The sports training course is concerned with teaching the sciences related to sports movement, which qualifies to work in the field of sports training and other different fields. Including physical fitness, training techniques, theories and methods of sports training.

BTC115 Recreation 02 Compulsory BTC114 +

The course of recreational activities is an important component of the educational curriculum in the college and its importance is reflected in the mutual influence between it and the other components of the educational activities, where in this course students are provided with a set of knowledge and information related to the concept of recreation and recreational activities and their relationship to the field of physical education and sports sciences and the definition of the components of recreational activities in terms of goals, content, evaluation and determine the relationship between those elements and search for the latest Methods in designing programs and recreational activities.

BC199 Organization and management (B) 02 Compulsory BC198 +

Management is described as the art of leading and directing people with the aim of getting work done and achieving the desired results. The administration is also responsible for achieving the goals and stabilizing the events of development and progress, and it is the driving element and directed to all work facilities in the institution through planning, organization, guidance and control, hence the concept of managing sports bodies and institutions is based on three dimensions associated with the concept of sports institutions, namely: Social formation, activity practice and objectives, and the organizational structure of the institution and the sports body in addition to the standards of management of sports institutions, including administrative standards, financial standards and legal standards in addition to specialized technical standards, and all this depends on strong scientific foundations comes organization and management at the forefront and to reach a comprehensive quality, and therefore this requires the student to understand well the application of management principles and familiarity with the foundations of The formation of sports bodies and the principles of their management, in addition to knowing the variation in the concept of the difference in the executive management and the legislative authority in sports bodies according to the organizational structure, as well as the classification of sports institutions, and the course also contributes to giving the student an understanding of how to build the organizational structure and how to distribute responsibilities and know the functions of the chairman of the board of directors and mechanisms to follow up the regularity of work in Sports bodies in a scientific form, which includes the flow of work in addition to identifying the concept of governance of sports bodies and the relationship between government and private agencies

BC202 Field Practicing (B) 03 Compulsory BC201 +

BC206 Specialization (B) 02 Compulsory BC205 +

BPC238 Biology of sport 02 Compulsory BC224 BPC224 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC200 Organization and management (C) 01 Compulsory BC198 BC199 +

The course in this semester aims to study how the student learns to know the components of movement in sports departments and how to communicate between its components, as well as to know the difference between sports organizations and how to manage sports competitions.

BC197 Movements analysis 02 Compulsory BC195 BCP196 +

The study of sports movement is a science that requires knowledge of the laws, connotations, and mechanical factors in the kinetic performance of sports events in an analytical manner for the purpose of raising and developing sports achievement for the better, the book dealt with the relationship of evaluation and measurement in the kinetic analysis and the book defined the calendar and measurement and mentioned its types and the difference between them and the methods and means of evaluation in biomechanics. He also exposed the types and forms of kinetic analysis, the basic movements of the joints of the human body, axes, levels, and rules of kinetic analysis. The book also dealt with the biokinetic analysis of linear and angular motions, the determination of the kinetic and temporal path, and discussed the speed, instantaneousness, ground acceleration, and the determination of the starting angle of the moment of disconnection breakage. It also dealt with the kinetic analysis of the activities of the arena and field games. And kinetic analysis of individual and individual games The book also talked about the kinetic analysis of gymnastics, the mechanical laws of gymnastics, foundations, and principles.

BC194 Nutrition (B) 02 Compulsory BC193 +

Sports nutrition is a set of different processes through which the body obtains the necessary nutrients and contains what the athlete’s body requires of the necessary energy requirements and the extent to which the body benefits from them. The extent of the interaction of these materials within the athlete’s body with the internal organs, cells, muscles, tissues and components of the body and their impact on the stages of growth and the formation of all cells Inside the body and maintaining health The extent of the interaction of all nutritional components within the digestive system through digestion, absorption and metabolism and the extent of the effect of metabolism on the general level of the body of the athlete and the balance within the body through the nutritional, water, thermal and acid-alkaline balance and its effect on the psychological and nervous balance and the importance of food increases within the body and its adequacy Including the impact of its components on physical fitness and physical efficiency and improving the level of performance in all sports activities and accessing athletes to higher levels and international and global performance through appropriate diets for exchanged energy and the development of short and long-term nutritional plans according to training programs and stages of matches and tournaments in order to reach the ideal composition of the body M, which is consistent with the exerted effort

BPC239 Steroids 02 Compulsory BPC238 +

BTC130 Seminar 02 Compulsory BTC129 +

BPC231 Injuries and First Aid 02 Compulsory BPC240 +

CS021 (Computer (B 02 Compulsory CS020 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the use of computers easily, the use of information technology, and how to obtain information and knowledge. Also, the optimal use of computer technology applications successfully and most important is the Microsoft bag, electronic mail, and networks

CSC021 Computer B 02 Compulsory CSC020 +

BC207 Specialization (C) 02 Compulsory BC206 +

BC 203 Field Practicing (C) 03 Compulsory BC201 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
BC209 Graduation Project 02 Compulsory +

BC204 Field Practicing (D) 03 Compulsory BC201 +

BC208 Specialization (D) 02 Compulsory BC205 BC206 +