Department of Journalism

Word Of the Head Department of Journalism

The Faculty of Media and Communication at the University of Tripoli, works to keep abreast of the technical and technological developments that have occurred in the world of communication and media, and their clear impact on the media scene in Libya and the world. Also, due to this influence, which has cast a shadow on the academic and professional level of media majors, the Journalism Department has taken upon itself to provide a new educational and teaching environment for students Combined with the practical application of an attempt to comprehend the gap created by the communication and information technology revolution in the studies of traditional and digital media.


Excellence in educational programs, services, media consulting and scientific research.


Upgrading the level of the media message in a way that is compatible with the civilization of our local society through educational and research programs.


Graduating professional media cadres with a high level of competence in various fields of media.

Providing radio and television institutions, satellite stations and the General Authority for Press with media cadres specialized in various media fields.

Preparing and supervising media seminars and lectures locally and internationally.

The department contributes to providing media consultations and discussing ideas and visions presented by specialists for the purpose of achieving them.


As a Bachelor of Journalism, the student will master the basic skills that you need as a journalist. Our courses will cover basic skills in all journalistic arts, including article, report, news, investigation, law, ethics, writing, reporting and production surrounding journalism. Most of the courses focus on digital journalism and on advanced skills that include storytelling Visual production, social media, data mining and media entrepreneurship, and application development.


Providing journalism students with the basic concepts and knowledge necessary for the profession of journalism within a framework of international quality to enable them to innovate in decision-making in their practical lives.

Employ educational technology effectively to ensure sustainable intellectual and social development

Provide them with professional development skills and create the principle of lifelong education for them to ensure their performance as journalists and help them build the necessary professional values system that positively affects society

Work on building a comprehensive electronic journalist.

Achieving the optimal qualification of master’s students in the field of media so that they are more able to engage in media work, whether in the cognitive or applied scientific aspects that are compatible with the needs of society in terms of faculty members, researchers, analysts, and practitioners of the profession.

Organizational Structure for Department of Journalism

Facts about Department of Journalism

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



